Release Blitz - Breathe by CD Reiss


If you haven't fallen in love with Jonathan yet, or you have friends who have yet to discover him, this is the book to try.

He was the dream I never knew I had until he claimed me. The kinky billionaire who wanted to give pain as much as I wanted to receive it. He’d marked me as his own and I accepted him. I trust him completely. I swear I do.
But, now things are getting complicated. I have a career, and he has his claim. How far is he going to go to mark me? And am I going to run or stay?
WARNING: This novella has some of Jonathan and Monica’s roughest encounters. That's how they like it!
*This takes place after he reclaims her in the studio, and before the second wedding. If you already love them, they're hotter than ever!


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Read an excerpt on CD Reiss’s website HERE:

Meet CD Reiss! 

CD Reiss is a USA Today and Amazon bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn’t pick up, she’s at the well, hauling buckets.

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master’s degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere, but it did embed TV story structure in her head well enough for her to take a big risk on a TV series structured erotic series called Songs of Submission. It’s about a kinky billionaire hung up on his ex-wife, an ingenue singer with a wisecracking mouth; art, music and sin in the city of Los Angeles.

Critics have dubbed the books “poetic,” “literary,” and “hauntingly atmospheric,” which is flattering enough for her to put it in a bio, but embarrassing enough for her not to tell her husband, or he might think she’s some sort of braggart who’s too good to give the toilets a once-over every couple of weeks or chop a cord of wood.

If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

Stalk Her: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads | Pinterest | Intagram

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